What BAP does
Here are list of services provided by Business Automation Plantform. These are out of the box a features of the application wich can be built using BAP.
System Integration
BAP gives you ability to easily integrate different kind of applications into single solution. That may include combination of legacy and new applications.
Workflows & Scheduling
BAP gives set of abilities to build your custom business worflows. Those can be applied to your specific business entities. There is also scheduling available.
Tracking & Reporting
This has ability to monitor application activity and build ad-hoc reports around custom business entities. Result delivery via Email is available.
We use modern web development frameworks like Bootstrap 3.0. This brings ability to built front-end application for most types of devices (including mobile).
Email Notifications
This gives ability to receive notifications about various events in the system via email. BAP gives ability to easily manage list of subscribers and types of event deliver.
Here you can include social networks (e.g. FaceBook, Google+, Twitter, Instagramm) into workflows. This means ability to communicate with social networks from the app.
We support Google Tag Manager as automated host for any kind of analytical tags (e.g. Google Analitics, Bing).
Cloud Storage
We use modern cloud-bases solutions to store large amounts of content. This brings better realibility and flexibility of content management.
Secure Communication
BAP has built-in suppport to secure socket layer protocol (SSL) for dealing with sensitive data. This makes sure all transactions are processed in secure and reliable way.
BAP provides ability to easily develop application with multi-language support. It also gives ability to manage multi-lingual dictionaries.
BAP is built on the principles of Software as a Service (SaaS) architecture. This allows to develop application where multiple customers can use it independently.
BAP provides set of basic functions to manage content on the backend. This functionality can be customized and extended via customer request.